Repellent and disabituant designed to remain on the surface as a fine powder, producing a repellent effect for pigeons and other birds and a disabituating effect for dogs and cats, which will stay away from the treated places
Flash fly and mosquito insecticide spray has abatement activity on flying insects. For normal-sized rooms spray the product for no more than 4-6 seconds.
The cockroach and ant insecticide Flash23 spray has knock-down activity against crawling insects that settle in hiding places. Apply no more than 1-2 seconds per square metre without visibly wetting surfaces.
Flash24 mosquito and fly insecticide spray has abatement activity on flying insects, especially flies and mosquitoes. For normal-sized rooms spray the product for no more than 4-6 seconds.
Flash insecticide drives away common mosquitoes, tiger mosquitoes and other small insects from a normal-sized room for 45 nights with an operation time of approximately 8-10 hours per night. Practical and safe as there is no need to touch the insecticide directly with your hands.
Flash platelets BG01 are effective against the common mosquito, tiger mosquito and other tropical mosquitoes. Its effectiveness is guaranteed in normal-sized rooms (30 m3) for about 8 hours. For larger rooms, use several electro-driers.
Flash BG0 spirals are effective against the common mosquito, tiger mosquito and other tropical mosquitoes. Each spiral acts immediately after being switched on and will not be extinguished by the breeze.